leaving the headless chicken

your inner voice will tell you 
the next step you should take...

- picture by claude monet -

Every morning when i wake up and visit the little girls room (even though there's more boys in our house...) i am confronted with a pearl of wisdom, as proclaimed by our daily tear-off spiritual calendar. Most of them i'm familiar with by now, they're in the same vain as a lot of the things i've read on Buddhism so far... some make me think, or get my hair on end (like yesterday's post), while others seem a bit far fetched... This one made me smile...

i'm starting to get familiar with my inner voice... my real inner voice, that is... not the panicky one that had me running around like the famous Headless Chicken, as it tended to react to stuff it was scared of... This one is a calm, peaceful, wise voice, that tells me where to look for things, or what to do next... It tells me i'm okay, and that things will really be fine... Things are already fine...

My friend Mo and i had a chat a while back, trying to work out how to find this voice, when it was over-shouted by our family's voice, or that of our 'friends' or neighbours, or the media... How on earth do you know which one to listen to?! How do we know when the panicky one is right? We both concluded that it all came down to 'knowing' and 'feeling' and 'trust'... When you spend more time alone, really alone {going for a walk, sitting down & staring into space, away form telly, computer, activity, other people}, you start giving your inner voice the space to 'talk' to you... And when you've let yourself be guided by that voice, you start to know, feel, trust when it's there... Once you've learnt to stop your Scared Voice, the False one, to over-shout, of course... Leave the Headless Chicken far behind...

here's some great tips... 
and Kati's written about it too, though in dutch...


Kati said...

though in dutch: But with a translate into your language button! :D

Learning to listen to mine too! :) nice post love.

Daan said...

{translated it with your button: total gobbledygook, i'm afraid... as if it was written by some ukrainian person with a dictionary on his lap...}

we 'just' need to learn to shut our inner critic up...