10 things for 2012

{this wasn't going to be a direct translation of my dutch blog, but if we don't tell enybody...}

ten things, for this year...
maybe by having it in writing i might get on and do some of them!

1. have my purpose in life figured out
2. knowing how my intuition sounds (as opposed to the one talking jibberish) and allowing myself to follow it
3. having seen a band (or two, or more) play live...
4. go to England {i feel so incredibly homesick it {almost} hurts...}
5. finish reading a novel...
6. make a big felt bag, in lots of garish colours... having my firend Mo as an inspiring, enthusiastic partner should help... as will her new studio!!
7. stop holding a grudge towards certain people...
8. do at least one thing on my {very secret} list of all-things-i-don't-dare-or-should... and see if the world will fall apart...
9. put away the christmas tree...
10. accept that i will probably never feel as happy as i was in 1991/1992 (or maybe i will - visualise!!! - who knows...)

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