hard day's night

The cinema that we like to visit has a regular showing of old classics...
we discovered this by accident, then saw that we'd already missed loads, so vowed to keep a close look on the weekly list, and almost a year ago i saw that  A hard day's night would be on, next year, in August... And that was last night...

And what a delight it was!! I've been a fan of the Beatles since i got to know them after John Lennon was killed, now 30 years ago, {although i've known of them longer - they were always on the radio} and of John Lennon on particular {you wouldn't believe how much i enjoyed watching Nowhere Boy...} and i would've been thrilled beyond words if i had been able to see a film of theirs {apart from Magical Mystery Tour, which was a bit of a joke...} back then... But i had to wait until now, and watching it on a big screen, in it's original form, with the guys being so lovely and naturally themselves, the dialogue so clever and sharp, and the black & white pictures so wonderful, the music crisp and delicious, England looking almost innocent, i was left with a strange feeling of joy... Simple and intense joy...

even 48 years after it's release...

a still from the film

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