heaven gained an angel...

woke up to sad news of Dr. Wayne Dyer passing away... he was the first of the Big Teachers i found when back in Holland, back in the early Noughties, when i was in desperate need of Wisdom and Enlightenment, feeling incredibly deflated by life in my home town, and later in the town where the kids went to school. it just wasn't flowing, and then my brother was getting rid of a load of books, amongst which was one of Dyer's... a godsend, i felt...

this book got me going on the tracks of self-analysis, but in a kind, gentle, positive way, not one where i'd carry on criticising myself, finding all the bits that i wasn't doing right... or just wasn't... as i had been doing for the years that i was with mr G. cos i thought that was how it worked...

after him there were quite a few more, all in the spiritual realm, all teaching me things i was desiring to learn about. but he kept popping back into my thoughts, being the kind, sweet, wise father figure i seem to be looking for in my life...

may his soul rest in peace {and his light shine on...}

watching the lecture {?} he gave on the Power of Intention, again...

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