inner fisticuffs

relatively often i'm in battle with a few people.
with one i argue over what to do with the day. according to them, i'm not doing enough, and i ought to be more active, not be so down in the dumps. get on with it: Life Needs To Be Lived - that's the type of person it is.

with the other one i negotiate how much i don't have to do, how easy i can take it. the other one is a bit of a biddy, who finds life quite hard going. and i don't want to be too harsh on her. there are days that i'd like to give her a kick up the backside, cos she's looking just a little too much like my gran, and i don't mean the tough cookie one, no, this one felt very sorry for herself, and she'd rather spend her day moping then actually doing something constructive.

this week is was having a heated argument with both. i had heard that Eddie Vedder will be coming to Europe this spring, and he will be playing in both Antwerp and Amsterdam. waaaaahhh!!! was my first reaction. Eddie is coming over!! then i had a look at the ticket prices, and suddenly i wasn't quite so keen anymore. next step was to find someone who'd want to come along. a few fancied it, but also flinched at the ticket prices, and knew both venues were as cosy as Piccadilly Circus at rush hour... well then, i thought, i'll go on my own then...

and that's how the inner fisticuffs that i have on a regular basis started - the no-nonsense, though cookie, Anything's Possible Dan against the careful, should i really be doing this? Dan...

the last one won...

he is pretty cool on Youtube as well...


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