when attracting Things and People and Situations into one's life, how much of this is from conscious intention and how much is from unwanted conditioning...?
this question has been on my mind, since i read the bit of info from my to go to book, which connects physical ailments a person can have to emotional blocks and mental wrong-goings that cause them. and as i kept coming back to the same 'reasons' that cause my current 'ailment' {wonky hip} and i kept getting the same message, i spent a few days thinking about this... i get what is meant - i do need to be more true to my nature, i would love to be able to live my life according to what my intuition and higher self guide me to do, but there's so much crap in the way that's stopping me from actually doing this... if i even know what my true nature is?!!
what is our true nature?
if it is the one that was with us before we were conditioned by our families and society, how do we get back to that? is it possible to let that go, to live our lives unencumbered by conditioning? some conditioning is useful - how irritating are kids that are never socially corrected, and are allowed to run amoc cos their parents have no idea how to raise them {also a conditioned notion by me} - but apart from the stuff we learn to not be annoying & spoilt toddlers, what is actually Fear instilled by our parents, relations and teachers? when is it our Intuition warning us for danger?
a few years ago my aunt {mum's sister} talked about my dad's mum, who was a ferocious woman, and apparently she was angry with me a lot. my behaviour - as a 2 y/o - annoyed her and she reacted to me with rejection and anger. did i learn to modify who i was already? did her reactions, and those of my parents, impact me to the extent that i was scared to be Me, to be relaxed with myself, my inherent Daan-ness...? if this was my template for life, for dealing with the world around me, how do i replace that with a more loving, kinder version? is that even possible? i expect women to be annoyed by me, to reject me as soon as i display behaviour that feels right for me... as keeps happening to me at work, where i only work with women who {seemingly} reject me. i attract them into my life, to carry on the expectation that older women reject me {my nan, my other nan, my mum}. younger women are a reflection of who i feel i am, and are no threat. men, mostly, want my pity, or my adoration, and i'll happily give that to them, cos that will get me their affection {my dad}.
who the fuck am I?!
what the heck do I want?!!
what fills MY heart with Joy???
time to find this out, to get back to the version i was before my nan and my mum and my other nan and social conditioning got their hands on me...
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