
i can hear her purring a mile off, usually, in the quiet of my bedroom. i'm either sat on my big wooden spindle chair, or on my bed, leaning against a cushion, against the wall, and i've just started to drift into the meditation, with the heater on a little, so that the chill has gone from the space. a small light is on, an onion shaped thing i bought in Ikea, years ago, and had to slightly adapt, so the light wasn't glaring anymore, but soft, and suited to the atmosphere i wanted to create in the room whenever i use it to meditate. but my quiet, still position attracts Saartje, after a while, as i must seem like ideal seating to her. so i hear her purring, in the otherwise silent room. 

and just as i feel myself slipping into a state of calm and tranquility, she jumps on my lap. the purring sounds like a drill in the distance, but her soft paws in my legs give away her definite presence. rhythmically they kneed into my skin, gently mostly, sometimes piercingly. her claws are sharp, and Saartje is determined. now she also decides i need to be woken, or she at least snuggled, and her head finds my hand, which she rubs carefully first, then - when she doesn't get the effect she's after - a bit more insistent. i find myself stroking her, mid-meditation, and i smile.

earlier on tonight, when i dropped the daughter off at the station, we saw a Golden Retriever, and how overjoyed it was at seeing the {probably} daughter of the man who was waiting by the dropping off part, and we both sniggered at how enthusiastic the dog was, how it was not going to be stopped from showing it's affection to the young woman. and almost together we said how Saartje was so much like a Golden Retriever...

my meditation carries on with a cat sitting in my neck, or curled up on my lap, purring away, and i have to hold my arms less ideally for the mega-relaxed state i'm after, so that she doesn't slip off my legs. strangely, though, having her there is an added bonus, cos the feels she gives me, usually, are very conducive to the state of heart coherence, which i've found to be very beneficial... 

cats are weird... 


Sandra said...

Cats can feel your needs 😉 (at least sometimes). Ever tried to do yoga when your cat is around? I always end up with one of the cats laying on my mat and me working around it. I guess catpeople are weird 🤣

Daan said...

:D like attracts like, i guess... {haven't tried yoga w/the cats yet...}