happy place

one of my teachers in the spiritual realm is a woman called Esther Hicks, who channels an entity called Abraham, and the one thing i keep taking away from them is this notion: only happy things can happen in your life if you feel happy... you get what you give out to the Universe. and since we are supposed to be happy Beings, this is a natural state for us to be in. Happy should be Easy. 

when i first came across this phenomenon, i felt quite dubious {even apart from the notion that an entity was being channeled...} - surely we can't be happy all the time?!! it's just not realistic... this is coming from the way of thinking that we have been encouraged to do, from childhood onwards - to be Realistic. to be reasonable, and sensible, and above all: rational, and accept that chunks of your life are lived in unhappiness. unless you're lucky and all the choices you make are ones that fit your Inner Being, but i haven't met many people who go through life this way. so, hearing this school of thought that claims that we are not supposed to live a life of slog, and suffering, and sadness, and whatever else pulls you down, having been surrounded by people who have lifted Suffering and Melancholy into an art form, it took quite a few books and clips on youtube and chats with Mo and writing in my journal, and crying buckets, to even consider this to possible. 

in order to feel happy, i now know that i have to accept it as my birthright. all the other stuff that makes me sad is learnt throughout childhood, and can be unlearnt. it can take a while to get there, but it's so very worth it...

so, what makes me happy?

* walking in the woods, here in Breda & surrounding areas

* watching a film like this one or this one, or this one... 

* reading a book that i click with {not always obvious...}

* seeing my kids being daft with each other

* taking photographs of beautiful things in nature

* coffee places in older buildings {like this one, for instance...}

* interactions with certain customers in the shop where i work

* chats with Mo, or other friends

* meditation, or just staring into space and calling it daydreaming

* writing a story that flows

* Saartje nestling agains my tummy underneath the duvet, or Molly tucking in with Polly

* the smell of coffee in the morning

* vegan chocolate truffles from work

* singing in a choir

* dogs

* traveling to another country, and getting to know new places

* certain songs

* letters in the letterbox

* my Pinterest boards

to name but a few... and yes, they are things that can be taken away from me - and real happiness should be found within ourselves, not from something outside of us - so really, these are just token things... but the thought of them can be a quick fix back to a state of Happy. until the real thing kicks in again.

what makes you happy, what can get you out of a funk?


Sandra said...

What gets me out of it, is walking in the woods, being among big trees. It makes me feel grounded again,gives me roots like the trees and let worries flow away with the leaves in the wind.

Daan said...

precisely! wonderful for regaining happiness! <3