new moons

I'm not saying it has anything to do with the New Moon in Aquarius today, combined with a Mercury retrograde, or anything, but today felt a bit weird... 

Holland has been covered in snow, pretty much completely, since Sunday. we don't get snow like this very often, and combined with the well below zero temperatures, it's bound to stay for a while longer than the usual 5 hours. on Sunday i walked in to work, and enjoyed the beautiful scenes, watched dads pulls kids on sledges, saw people clear snow off the pavement, heard cars drive past very slowly, listened to the crunching of the snow under my feet.

since i cycled to work on the other days, i hadn't needed the car for over a week, and left it till today to see if i was able to slither along the uncleared road we live along, out towards somewhere pretty for a long walk and post some letters while i was out, but as i clicked the 'open' button on the key, it was clear that no driving was going to be done - the battery hadn't coped with the cold very well. dead as a dodo... so i contacted roadside assistance, and had to wait the full 90 minutes, to be greeted by a very lovely chap {...} who concluded {after attaching a machine to the battery} that it was going to be very likely that i would be calling out one of his colleagues again sooner rather than later - something i kind of expected, since this was the second time in a few months that the battery ran out... i followed the lovely chap to the Roadside Assistance workshop that turned out to be very close to where i regularly go for a walk, near the woods, and 20 minutes and a heap of money later, my little Yaris was purring happily again. 

i decided to take it for a bit of a drive, warm it up and find that Somewhere Pretty, taking the Tilburg turning, and regretted that quickly, as there was a jam, and i found myself wedged between lorries and vans, going incredibly slow, inching my way towards the turning off for the nearest village, but that was apparently closed off, and i had to drive to the next turning, and that took me to the other side of the city. from there i knew how to get to the woods, but all the parking places were either full up, or looked too slippery for my liking,  so i just carried on driving. my views were amazing, though... wearing my sunglasses to stop the snow blinding me, i was treated to landscapes that wouldn't look out of place in Germany or Sweden... 

i drove back home, parked the car and walked along the streets near my apartment, posting the letters i meant to post earlier. it was very slippery, and very cold, and very pretty. but i still felt weird. it was my day off, but my mind was nowhere near Breda. i have no idea where it was, but i was glad i was back inside, looking forward to my coffee and bit of chocolate, mulling over the odd coincidence with my friend over Telegram {a path neither of us had talked about before, but are both exploring now}, and a peculiar interaction with a penfriend, and the feeling of a clamp on my head for most of the day - quiet contemplation was called for...

a new moon starts today. time for some strong intentions

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