
this photo is taken in Paris,
they are the steps down Mont Martre, i think.
it's one of the photo's i keep 
on my Pinterest boards,
which is dedicated to photographs 
{black & white mostly}
that i really like.

i'm not a fan of Paris.
it fills me with ambivalence.
according to my ex, this is because
i fear the confidence 
and sensuality {??}
that the city presents.
he was probably right.
Paris represents a confidence 
that i don't feel i ever had.

i also envy Paris this.

i can handle London 
- London is a mix of historical
and modern 
that i feel at home with -
i love being there...

i love Berlin
- it represents a more recent history
and celebrates alternative ways 
of Being Human,
and holds a German confidence
{or is it arrogance?}
that i like,
and i tend to ignore 
the Kitkat Club elements that 
the city is also famed for -
i loved being there...

i loved Barcelona
the warm, kind, life-loving vibe i got there
{or maybe this was just cos 
my son was our tour guide...}
the mixture of modern life
and centuries of history,
the daring architecture,
the way it was so Spanish
but also so much Catalan
i really want to go back there...

but Paris...
i don't know...
maybe i just need to go there again,
one day,
take the Thalys and book a hotel room
right in the centre
and soak it all in...

it worked with Berlin...

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