. 🌟 .

had a long and beautiful chat 
with my friend Mo this afternoon, 
about how we need to finally 
trust ourselves, 
to Trust our Selves, 
the voices deep within that Know, 
the images we see that show us 
the way forward...

. 🌟 .

we Know it, 
yet we let ourselves be led 
by doubt, by fear... 
we've been raised to follow the crowd, 
but we have always felt 
that this was not for us.

. 🌟 .

our time has come, 
we feel it deeply... 
we need to ask ourselves 
what it really is we are scared of 
- to lose the people around us, 
or the unlimited power 
that we all really have?

. 🌟 .

the right people will find us. 
we'll move into the light now...

. 🌟 .


I, I'm a one way motorway
I'm the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
I, I'm a street light shining
I'm a wild light blinding bright
Burning off and on

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

I, I'm a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again
{Times Likes These, by Foo Fighters, 2003}

the lyrics to the song stayed in my mind, since hearing them sung recently first by Glen Campbell {as dropped in a playlist on Spotify recently} and the version that Florence Welsh did a few years ago, when she headlined Glastonbury instead of the Foo Fighters, and in a fitting and amazingly beautiful tribute, sang this song by them. it has been a fave by the Foo's for years, i've long liked the vibe of it, but nowadays it seems to fit the mood that i feel i've been in for a while. it's time like these you learn to live again, you give and give again, you learn to love again, time and time again... 

looking for clues

despite knowing deep down that i shouldn't have been, i have spent my whole life finding answers outside of myself. 

with this thought i went to sleep last night, in a search to find out where the root of my anxiety lies. i'm worried about what's going on the the world, although i'm also aware of the need for it, and the unstoppableness of the changes ahead. i'm scared of the uncertainty that goes with change. i like things to be predictable, of sorts, as it gives me stability, and the less things change, the more comfortable i feel. 

during my weeks off, i cycled to where i went to college, one time by chance, another time cos a shop i needed to get something from was nearby, and both times it struck me how little had changed... okay, the school itself was gone, and in its place it now an old people's home {how apt...}, but the streets where i walked with my classmate and best buddy at the time {no idea what happened to her/them} were still there, i could recall the route we wandered between classes, and the little park with the gorgeous house, and the small shopping area where there was still the same supermarket and flower shop, only now i connected it to where i now live in the city, and a sense of Yes, It Finally Came True overcame me. 

back then i had long and weird chats with my friend, the classmate who introduced me to the notion i could be whatever i wanted to be, and that i didn't have to be stuck in the life my parents would be comfortable with, and that The Police made great music... i kind of adored her {them?} and wanted some of her confidence, the freedom in thought that she had grown up with, the freedom that she had about exploring her attractions, her mind, her Whole Being... i loved how she made me feel when i was with her. 

but like with her, i found others to make me feel complete. i have always been looking at others to give me stability, to give me a sense of confidence. my parents were lovely and good people, but they were never able to instill a sense of confidence in me.  {how could they, if they never learnt it in the first place...?} they introduced me to the idea that i had to look at others for everything. for my basic needs, for approval, for love, for idols & heroes, for company, for money, for how Not To Be {the Boo Hiss Baddies of the world that we can dislike and hate}... the notion that i could find all of those things, and more, in myself never crossed my mind!!

but it's essential that i let go of any need to find Anything in others... it's essential that i Trust my Self, that i fully and completely Trust and Embrace that i am my own entity, and although connected on a spiritual and energetic level {how else would i be able to Manifest the life i desire?}, i am living MY life, i am on MY journey... i am living MY dream... 

the clues are always there. others CAN be and ARE helpful, others ARE necessary to survive, but not in the way that my parents implanted in my psyche. not because i'd be doomed if i don't play along, but because we're all in this together. not because i'm not good enough on my own, but because we're all connected in one way or another. and even when everything changes around me, the right people will find me, and i will connect to the ones that i need. there is no need for despair, or fear, or anxiety - they just get in the way. so i can let go of all that - i won't need them where i'm going...

clarity and clearance

one of my birthday presents was a little book i received from my ex. it was probably meant as a little silly thing, something that seemed appropriate to him, and a giggle to me when i opened it. the book was called How To Live Like Your Cat, by Stephane Garnier, and translated from French. it somehow was the exact thing that i needed...

in it, he describes how cats are unencumbered by thoughts about how they ought to behave, what others think about them, are convinced they're amazing and should be treated like royalty, rest when they feel like it and other things that we, as humans, could learn something from. the more i read the book, the more i appreciate my 2 cats, and i already appreciated them enormously... 

somehow this ties in with what i'm reading in another book, The Greatest Secret, by Rhonda Byrne {she of The Secret}, as she's trying to get across the notion that we are Awareness, and that unencumbered by Ego and Thoughts, our lives would be amazing and easy. 

like so many others, i was bowled over by The Secret, when i first came across it many years ago. there was a simple solution to all my problems... all i had to do was think Positively, be Grateful, and Everything would fall into place. and it kind of did... the magic that i had noticed when i was younger seemed to be back, what i thought about wanting to happen happened, but just as easily as certain things manifesting, so hard and difficult were other parts of my life. the patterns of thought and convictions i had developed in my childhood kept getting in the way, rearing their ugly heads... and they just were not shifting. for every one i let go, another one appeared. however hard i tried, however much therapy i did {and i did so many!! i've done art therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, reiki, Sedona Method, Ho'oponopono, tapping, asking my spirit guides to help me, read books by an enormous amount of people on this}, the Doubt and Anxiety seemed to not want to shift permanently... 

most of us have grown up with the belief that it matters what we are. we spend vast amounts of our years honing down our identities. it matters what we look like, how we dress, who we listen to, what films we enjoy seeing, where we go on holiday, who our friends are, how we express ourselves, what work we do, who we vote for... it matters, cos it helps to create Who We Are... even if we reckon it doesn't... if i enjoy listening to Pearl Jam, and watch Wes Anderson films, and go on holiday in England, and drive a 19 year old car, and am interested in witchcraft, and have left leaning political ideologies, it must mean X... it makes me Who I Am... it matters, cos i'm easy to understand. to myself, and to others. my anxiety and fears are also part of my identity. i'm someone who worries about this, and is convinced about that, and feels strongly about something else - cos that's who i am... 

but what if it doesn't? what if i stop believing that? what if i stop being convinced that X is true, or that Y is important to me? what if i let go of the notion that i'm left-leaning in my political beliefs? what if i let go of the belief that there even IS a Left and Right? that the Left is what i agree with? or that Wes Anderson films are great`? or that i'm someone who owns a 19 year old car? or that i'm anything other than Awareness, and not my thoughts... nothing is real... yet everything is true... 

Saartje just caught a fly, with total focus and concentration, and ate it. now she's on the sofa asleep, happy and completely at peace.

ignorance is bliss

the last 18 months have made it clear to me that we're in a strange phase in this world's development. while hero after hero turned out to be a frightened follower of a new, weird, fearful dogma, other folks i never expected to be, appeared a lot more awake and questioning - something my friend Mo and i were talking about the other day. and while most people around me are allowing themselves to be joyfully and gratefully {??} injected with a substance nobody really knows the long-term effects of, in the name of supposed freedom and health, so am i letting myself be poisoned by anxiety about the future... anxiety about the lives of my loved ones, anxiety about the way the world is becoming. anxiety about the things i thought were certain that are changing, or disappearing... 

but still all my teachers keep reiterating how important it is to be happy. only happy lives are lived through happy thoughts... so i stopped watching tv, i stopped using certain social media, i stopped contact with certain people, and i only followed people i was almost certain were NOT going to mention the situation, were going to stick to happy, joyful, positive messages i could get behind, that would help me to find a new place in this weird world full of scared and uncritical masses... but news of the world kept coming through anyway, so every  now and then my anxiety flares up, creates tension in my guts, makes fear an unwanted part of my life. 

almost all of my {one time} 'heroes' {don't really like the word} are socially aware, liberal minded, kind people. they seemed to be the ones who were going to change the world, or at least be on the right side of history. they claimed to be for freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom in health choices. apparently this was only so when the world was not in the grips of a 'pandemic'... now the tables are turned - they seem quite fine with censorship and forcing a medical dictatorship, ridiculing anyone who questions what is going on now... 

knowing this has added to my sense of confusion and anxiety. what is even Right and Wrong anymore?? who is still to be believed? who can i still trust in all this?


only i, my inner voice, my Higher Self, can be believed and trusted... i know this notion puts me right up with the weirdos and the mentally unstable, but i believe this is true. only I can know what is good for me. not a government that has been proven time and time again to be crooked, malleable by those with money, not a science that has been proven to be equally malleable by those with money, not doctors who are sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry... ultimately it is down to me... 

so i chose to be ignorant about the situation, about how the world is changing, and let the people who are also ignorant and blissful find me, as they will. as i will find them... 

cos, Once I Decide That I Want A Good Life, The Universe Will Start Moving Things For Me To Have It. The People I Need Will Happen, Doors I Need Open Will Be Unblocked... Once I Truly, Sincerely Decide, Miracles Will Happen... 

a post about post

despite the cost of postage stamps, writing letters is still one of my favourite pastimes. thanks to the Post Crossing website, i am now the happy keeper of heaps of addresses that belong to penfriends who live all over the world. though most of them seem to be from Germany... 

with some i write about my days at the moment, with others i write about my dreams of the future. some are obsessed with the Situation, others are blissfully living in their own happy world. some have children, others don't... some have cats, others don't like pets of any kind... what we all have in common is the enjoyment of the process - finding the right paper, either decorated already, or decorated by ourselves. what washi tape? what stickers? just keeping it plain? to add something to the envelope? and what envelope? 

finding a letter {or 3, somedays} in my letterbox is so very enjoyable... to receive that piece of paper, written on by someone who lives quite a lot of miles away, in Finland, or Bavaria, or Portugal, or Japan, or Bremen, or Yorkshire, or Ohio, or Groningen - i love reading about their lives, their days, things that trigger them, make them happy, whatever they feel the need to share with me - a stranger that they got to know on the forum of the website, whose interests they thought were interesting enough to give it a go. 

some people i've been writing with for many years now, and they've become a lot like friends. people i feel i can write anything to, and they to me. a few i had a deeper connection with, one that went beyond just the regular writing about our day to day things and wishes and desires. someone specific i felt a bond with that i hardly ever have with people. sadly, this connection splattered onto the rocks, as the other person somehow suddenly felt triggered by what we wrote about and stopped writing. this too happens... 

writing letters can be eye-opening, heart-warming, thoroughly enjoyable and quite annoying. it's faintly artisan {cos done by hand, and not by some digital means}, probably good for the soul and us letter-writers belong in a long line of famous folks who are known well for theirs... 

long live letters!!

sharing Sunday #3 {Lammas}

since today is Lammas, or Lughnasadh {pronounced Lu-na-sah}, a little sharing with regards to this.

in Wiccan and Celtic cultures, this is the celebration of the first grain harvest, a time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance. a time to acknowledge the earth's rich produce, as well as our own skills and abilities. lots can be read and learnt here, on this site, which goes deeper into the notions behind it, and ways we can celebrate nowadays. another way to celebrate is shown here

as well as rejoicing and celebrating, it is a time to realise that the strength of the sun is now slowly fading, and we will be preparing for autumn, and winter after that. 

although this summer in particular has been more like autumn already, it is still nice to celebrate the fruits and seeds the earth has given us... 

give thanks and celebrate!!