soul purpose

in these three videos, it is explained where we are as human beings, what our journey here on earth means and how we can move forward in these times of transition and ascension. best watched in order of posting...


stronger than you think...

one of the things we need to do as a species, in the coming months/years, is to move out of the victim/perpetrator mentality, which has held humanity hostage for far too long. 

whenever i opted for someone to own up to the life they've manifested for themself, one of the strongest reactions was - so it's my own fault that i'm in this mess? it's my own fault that i'm sick? it's my own fault that.... {fill in the blanks} 

fault - blame - guilt - pressure - shaming - ridicule - fear - punishment - disapproval

all things that have been used for centuries to stop us from listening to our own inner voice, our own wisdom. the church has used it for ages, and the results of this are still palpable in most societies, western or otherwise. however far removed we think we might be from the grip of vicars and bishops, of authority posed by religious groups. remnants of god-fearing indoctrination are happily used now by the state, by health care professionals, by certain industries and our educational systems, having us believe that we are actually free to do as we please.... 

from childhood we've been trained to believe that we aren't able to heal ourselves, to make up our own minds about what feels best for us, should doubt inner voices that steer us away from jobs that aren't good for our souls, or people that we don't need in our lives. we manifest a life that's filled with sadness and pain and illness and boredom and cheap entertainment and bad food and fake fulfilment, cos that's exactly what we've been encouraged to by our parents, our teachers, our peers, our media, our heroes... and when we get ill, it's just tough luck. and that's what doctors are for, with their pills and treatments and therapies and things that don't really have you rely on your own abilities to heal, cos god forbid that you're no longer sick... then you wouldn't be the cash cow that you have become!!

we have been trained to be victims. of fate, of bad genes, of bad luck, of bad families... 

all this is about to change. we are moving into a time when we learn to take charge of our own lives, of our own realities, to manifest whatever life you believe you are 'worthy' of. depending on your convictions about yourself, about life in general. the reality that you see before you, that you believe in, is the reality you'll attract. 

what's yours going to be?

karma is a b... {beautiful mirror}

for the last 8 days, i've been turning more and more inward. not cos i have a winterdip coming up, or because life is dragging me down, but because i have to... something is making me go very deep, and a lot of stuff is being unearthed, stuff i never thought i'd deal with, or that it was still being stored... the energies of late, and the higher vibration which the world is experiencing now, is making this happen, whether we like it or not.... 

a few:

* a deep fear of what was happening in the world around me, the draconic measures that governments are taking worldwide to keep people suppressed, to keep us 'under their spell', had made me very upset. especially last thursday, when it was 11/11 and i had meant to be on a higher frequency, Deliriously Happy, i was just getting all kinds of crap on my path... a colleague who was challenging everything i did, customers who were asking me what i thought about Possible New Measures, or - again - challenging me, and i was feeling quite rough already. a headache and feeling drained kept me from the state of Delirious Happiness, and i was angry - why wasn't i able to do this?? surely is wasn't that hard to be Happy??? hadn't i learnt anything from my hours of talking to Mo??? as soon as i got home, i collapsed, and took the next few days off work, cos i felt like death warmed up. thankfully i had this week off anyway, so i was able to emerge myself in Inner Work, in Getting To The Bloody Bottom Of This... 

* a meditation gave me the key. an experience i had while giving birth to my eldest son seemed to be at the centre of this death fear i had for yonks. the birth itself ignited a fear so deep, so strong, that it stayed with me all this time {i'm still amazed that i had three more babies...}. i was at death's door, literally, but i was told to go back, i hadn't finished yet, i had a child to raise, and learn more.... i was re-born, in an English hospital {hence, i guess, my deep longing to be there} and i've spent 28 years growing myself... {this meditation was the night before Eldest was having his 28th birthday....}

* for the longest time i thought i had a kind of inferiority complex. my childhood was spent trying to hide from bullies, people in my village school who thought i was weird, who disliked me for no other reason than that i was different to them, since i was a toddler.... as soon as i went to school, i was confronted with my inability to fit in. i was classed 'shy', considered a bit too dreamy, and not really that interesting by my teachers... i wasn't gifted, like some in my class, i enjoyed learning but about things that i took an interest in, not necessarily the things that i was supposed to, to excel academically. so for ages i thought i was dim. not clever enough. now i know i was trying desperately to fit into a world that i wasn't ever going to fit into, and not given the tools to get to that place. 

* last week, one of the confrontations i had with a colleague was when she made it clear to me that i was being superior to her, snooty and dismissive, and that it wasn't on.... who, me?? superior?? wot...?? but she was right... my new 'role' as under-supervisor {?? is that even a thing??} made me feel superior to her. i was FINALLY acknowledged as having some kind of talent, not seen as a slightly useless weirdo, and i was going to  bloody well use that... and that came back to bite me in the bum, thanks to the 5D reality the world is changing into... crap flies back into your face no sooner has it happened.... 

* to add to it: i'm feeling slightly superior to the people that are still stuck in the 3D reality, who are still buying the bollocks that the media feeds them, and i'm loving it... ha!! you bastards that made my life hell when i was 8 - see how you like this.... not pretty, i know, but apparently i need to feel this right now, for a bit. acknowledge that i actually feel this... that i actually enjoy that the world is shifting to a place where i can actually feel at home, for once.... after 52 bloody years..... 

so... ascension... take a look at the things that are still keeping you from fully being Happy - be it Delirious or otherwise... 


let there be light

let there be love

let there be kindness

let there be unity

let there be joy

let there be truth

let there be inner peace 


since our outside worlds reflect our inner worlds, there must be a heck of a lot of tension and restricting going on inside of me... 

as from this weekend i won't be allowed into museums or the swimming pool, {most} restaurants were already out of bounds and traveling to England has long been struck off my list of Places I Could Travel To, since i'm not taking an experimental jab or wish to be tested and therefor can't produce an entrance code. fine, i'll make my own entertainment... Normal Society has slowly dwindled to a very narrow band in the last 20 months of places where i'm welcome anyway, or at least places where i feel welcome. and my resolve will be carried on being tested in the next few months. in the Normal World reality at least... 

your world is as restricted or as welcoming as you allow it to be. for this to be true, you'll have to let go of the notion that Reality is only the one presented to you by other people, and take ownership of your Inner World, the thoughts you have, the Reality you wish to create... to get there it is important to realise that you can... you can take ownership, you can change your outer world, you can choose Joy and Beauty above Chaos and Fear.... the reality that you see on tv and in shops and on social media is also real, as real as you want it to be, and if you prefer that one, then by all means  carry on living in that Reality. just know that it doesn't have to be if it doesn't make you feel happy... you're not stuck with a life or a world that fills you with fear or dread or restrictions... 

it has taken me way too long to integrate this Knowing into my world... for too long i was convinced that it couldn't be true, it couldn't be this easy... surely it was all pie in the sky to think that i didn't have to abide by the things i saw on tv or on social media... that this was a Reality, not the only Reality. it takes a certain way of thinking, one that seemed daft to me for a long time. rational as i was brought up to be. as most of us have been... 

so, what 'unrealistic' reality are you going to manifest?