stronger than you think...

one of the things we need to do as a species, in the coming months/years, is to move out of the victim/perpetrator mentality, which has held humanity hostage for far too long. 

whenever i opted for someone to own up to the life they've manifested for themself, one of the strongest reactions was - so it's my own fault that i'm in this mess? it's my own fault that i'm sick? it's my own fault that.... {fill in the blanks} 

fault - blame - guilt - pressure - shaming - ridicule - fear - punishment - disapproval

all things that have been used for centuries to stop us from listening to our own inner voice, our own wisdom. the church has used it for ages, and the results of this are still palpable in most societies, western or otherwise. however far removed we think we might be from the grip of vicars and bishops, of authority posed by religious groups. remnants of god-fearing indoctrination are happily used now by the state, by health care professionals, by certain industries and our educational systems, having us believe that we are actually free to do as we please.... 

from childhood we've been trained to believe that we aren't able to heal ourselves, to make up our own minds about what feels best for us, should doubt inner voices that steer us away from jobs that aren't good for our souls, or people that we don't need in our lives. we manifest a life that's filled with sadness and pain and illness and boredom and cheap entertainment and bad food and fake fulfilment, cos that's exactly what we've been encouraged to by our parents, our teachers, our peers, our media, our heroes... and when we get ill, it's just tough luck. and that's what doctors are for, with their pills and treatments and therapies and things that don't really have you rely on your own abilities to heal, cos god forbid that you're no longer sick... then you wouldn't be the cash cow that you have become!!

we have been trained to be victims. of fate, of bad genes, of bad luck, of bad families... 

all this is about to change. we are moving into a time when we learn to take charge of our own lives, of our own realities, to manifest whatever life you believe you are 'worthy' of. depending on your convictions about yourself, about life in general. the reality that you see before you, that you believe in, is the reality you'll attract. 

what's yours going to be?

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