switching sides

i keep reading in all my self-help books that the people that are in my life are there because i attracted them... Which - basically - means that {coining a phrase i'm very familiar with} it's my fault that they're there, and i made my bed, so now i'll have to lie in it... Duh...

At first this notion  depressed me intensely... I've attracted the people that give me grief, that aren't very nice to me, that keep making my life stressfull, rather than mellow and peaceful... It's my responsibility... By being the way i was in the past, this is now my reality... How awful!! Boohoohoo...

But slowly it's dawning on me that there's a massive plus there too - if i can attract negative, then surely i can attract (and i am attracting) positive as well?! I can turn this around, be responsible for the good things in my life too?! By fading out the negative in my thinking, hopefully it will be replaced by more joyful, fun, happy people and situations. Only: that takes time, and i'm not very good at 'time'...

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