the seventh day of Xmas ~ New Year's Eve

my true love gave to me
7 Swans a-swimming
6 Geese a-laying
5 Goooold Riiiings!!
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a partridge in a pear treeee


on this last day of 2020, which had so much promise when it started {Olympics, Football World Cup, 50th anniversary of Glastonbury, Wimbledon-with-atmosphere, trips to Berlin & Barcelona} but turned out to be something entirely different, i want to dream about things to come... there's so much that has been put on hold, and although a fallow year once in a while is fine, i'm done with all the drama and the obedience - i want to travel without ridiculous rules, meet with friends without breaking the law, live without pointless boundaries - and that starts within myself. it starts with dreams, and intentions, and visualizations of a life preferred... 

to you all: a happy new year!!, and hopefully there's many things you dream of too, or not. which is fine as well... 

in 2020

traveling to some lovely places in Europe
{that camper van is starting to look 
like such a good idea now...}


getting to know new friends
{i'd like to join one or two clubs or courses}


going to the seaside
{somehow this hasn't happened this year?!!}


wandering through Antwerp with my friend
{i miss the mellow atmosphere
of the city, with it's many small restaurants,
and galleries, and vistas, and the hours
Mo and i can spend there,
chatting, and laughing, and admiring...}


being able to hold a conversation in German
{once i get over my shyness..}


regular cinema visits


my balcony filled with flowers and green plants


gorgeous views

one of the many amazing sunsets i get treated to here

the sixth day of xmas

 my true love gave to me
6 Geese a-laying
5 Gooold Riiiings!!
4 Calling birds 
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a partridge in a pear tree


in 2020

my long walks in the Pannenhoef nature reserve


meditating to Insight Timer
and meditating to my own timer


long chats with my dear friend Mo




my balcony, and the way it became such a
wonderful place to be, this year.
we had breakfasts and dinners, coffees and croissants,
we sunbathed and lounged, and loved the views
and the sounds of the neighbours


seeing my eldest son so happy and contented,
during his 2 week visit, this summer


watching my daughter muddle through
while school became such a challenge
and finding new friendships as well


seeing the middle 2 boys find a way to live
at their dad's house, after my choice to leave their old one


rediscovering the joy of this blog...


the fifth day of Xmas

 my true love gave to me
5 Gooold Riiings!!
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a partridge in a pear treeee


in 2020

{some of the things i enjoy making 
are my own booklets. 
either to use as a diary, or a journal 
of sorts, or a combination. 
a load of A4 paper 
- plain white, graph paper, old leaflets -,
 a thicker sheet for the cover, 
some string and a big needle,
and half an hour later,
i have another booklet
to write in, or draw, or collage...}
stories & journaling & letters
{things i need to write down, 
things that only make sense to me,
writing has proved a way 
to keep me  from going mad,
from feeling like i've lost my grip
on my life, on myself.
in stories i can create a world
where i can enjoy myself,
in journaling i can work out my mind,
in letters i can get to know new people,
or some people even better.
this year i made some new friends,
and one in particular has been
an amazing friend.}
Round Robin Art Journaling
{somehow forgot that one... 
tnx Sandra for reminding me!!
last year i joined a Round Robin project, 
with a group of people I've never met before,
and created 4 spread/8 pages of
whatever needed to be expressed,
per month - or 6 weeks.
fun, challenging, confronting.
receiving the booklet i sent out into the world
after a year was a wonderful thing -
to see the creative things other people have made,
with me in mind... 
it touched me beyond words...}
my balcony garden
{somewhere for the cats to hang out, 
and for myself and Pops,
and while the summer sun 
pummeled and burnt, my plants thrived,
and my clothes dried,
and we sat and read and sunbathed 
and listened to the world around us

the fourth day of xmas...

 my true love gave to me
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a partridge in a pear treeee


in 2020

Schitt's Creek
- dvd box set -
{slightly wacky tv series about the four members 
of a super rich family 
who lose all their money, and end up in a small town 
in rural Canada, in a cheap motel 
that's run by someone who couldn't give a crap... 
it took me a while to really like any of the characters 
- apart from the oddball motel manager - 
but now that i do, they've all found a place in my heart...}
Richard Osman's House Of Games
- BBC -
{the tall bloke from Pointless has been given his own show, 
and it's basically a bunch of well-known Brits 
answering geeky questions, five days in a row, 
and at the end someone wins it. 
but its really about the odd chemistry that happens 
between the 'contestants', and the silly jokes, 
which makes it very enjoyable to watch}
- via Youtube -
{one of my manifesting teachers, 
a sweet, kind woman who explains it 
in very simple-to-get language. 
roughly has a video out every month}
 - BBC -
{bumped into this at the beginning of the year,
and fell in love with the ghosts that inhabit
Button Hall, once a grand house that a young woman
and her husband inherit. 
through some incident the woman is able to see, 
and commune with, the ghosts that have been 'occupying' 
the house for many years, 
and have created a 'community' there. 
both hilarious and touching... 
made by the folks who created Horrible Histories}
- via Youtube -
{this German learning channel has become
one of my favourite places to hang out in.
the hosts (Cari, Manuel, Janusz and Isi) 
ask innocent passers by some questions, 
and from the conversation that then happens, 
we learn a bit about Germany,
and German people, 
or Berliners, or Austrians,
and the hosts...}
- youtube -
{trans guy who reacts to stuff,
talks about his journey, lives his life,
along with his gf, who has her own channel.
intelligent, sweet, open, interesting}

Maastricht, with Max and Polly, this summer

the third day of Xmas...

 my true love gave to me
3 French hens
2 turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear treeeee


it's rather stormy outside, keeping me from sleeping most of the night. pots flew off their perches on the balcony, the partition on the right rattled and flapped, and the wind whistled loudly against the roof. i foud myself reading at 2 in the morning, unable to get back to sleep. thankfully, today has no plans, so i'll probably carry on reading, and maybe go for another walk, once the rain stops...

back to recapping this year. 

IN 2020
Harry Potter series
{finally making myself go 
beyond the third book, 
which i never finished.
on The Goblet Of Fire now
almost finished that.
loving them so far!!}
Katie Fforde novels
{keep finding them in the second hand shop 
that i love to frequent, so this summer was mostly 
these. easy, enjoyable, making England's 
countryside so very tangible...}
A Piano In The Pyrenees - Tony Hawks
{the guy who gave us Round Ireland With A Fridge
telling of his personal journey, 
after buying a house in the south of France,
on a bit of a whim.
as he seems to live his life...
funny, sweet, bit predictable}
Ask And It Is Given - Esther Hicks
{in which she gives tips on how to live an abundant life 
filled with endless manifestations. 
Law of Attraction in action}
Deceived With Kindness - Angelica Bell
{in which the daughter of Vanessa Bell, 
sister of Virginia Woolf, co-founder of the Bloomsbury Group,
talks about her childhood,
and the fact that her father wasn't 
who she thought he was. 
a very interesting insight into the lives 
of the those who lived in Charleston Farmhouse}
not yet finished but will be:
Hitching Rides With Buddha - Will Ferguson
{a rather fun yet also instructive book
talking about the author's journey,
from the south to the north,
through Japan, the long and peculiar 
country - to Westerners - 
that has been his residence
for many years}
The House Of Hopes And Dreams - Trisha Ashley
{novel about a leaded glass craftsperson 
who loses her home, after her partner of many years dies 
and his son decides she needs to leave. 
told via first person, 
and snippets of letters from another female craftsperson 
who lived a century ago, and somehow becomes part 
of her life. interesting, can be a little bit vindictive, but 
it's drawn me in...}
The Danish Girl - David Ebershoff
{on which the film was based.
started reading it but haven't got the patience 
to finish this one.
on my waiting list...}

the second day of Xmas...

my true love gave to me
2 turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear treeeee


after a gorgeous day yesterday, with a very lazy morning,  long wet walk, relaxed preps and a lovely meal - vegan/veggie/traditional - with most of my lovelies, i decided to leave the washing up until this morning. it took me over an hour to get it done, but having break halfway with a relaxing cuppa and some leftover cake to finish off, it was a good job jobbed. and now it's time for the post-Xmas things. six days till the new year, 12 days until the 6th of January{symbolizing something christian} but i'm ready to start wrapping this year up. i'll use Currently's {which i want to do once a month} - 6 in all - for the year.

they'll be Hearing {music i liked this year}, Reading {books i finished and enjoyed}, Watching {stuff i liked to see on tv and the internet, and films}, Making {crafts & other bits}, Dreaming {self-explanatory} and Loving {whatever that entailed}, and i'll finish with a photo.

in 2020
{via digital radio}






in May i went on a sunrise walk with 5 of my colleagues
and was treated to views like this one

Xmas things {6} cards

first and foremost - a happy xmas, however you're spending it {not a religious person myself, more into the pagan Yule way of celebrating. waiting with the booze until the kids are here and there's a meal on it's way... i only ever drink at xmas, by the way...}!! 

{just had to pluck some mince pie dough off my keyboard... had to find the recipe online and some crumbs must have fallen put of the mixing bowl while i was kneading it...}

while listening to the Cosy Christmas Jazz playlist on Spotify, i snapped some of the cards i received this year, since cards are one of the few things i always get very excited about, this time of the year. all year long, to be honest, but at Xmas they feature very large here. and i receive some smashers... tnx for those who sent them, and all others, of course!! hope mine have arrived...

from my friend Sarah, in England

beautiful card from Moira

sweet card from Erin,
with the first line of the story we read to the kids

sweet card from Monika
a see-through one
and the sun shines through it here

a few together, 
before Molly knocked them over... 

Xmas things {5} music

 some songs that haven't been played to death yet {as far as i'm aware...}, to help me get in the mood... 

* White Xmas - George Ezra  {live, with...?}

* Let Me Sleep {It's Christmas time} - Pearl Jam {from the album Lost Dogs}

* 2000 Miles - The Pretenders {live, the band with a string quartet}

* River - Joni Mitchell {with James Taylor}

* Fairytale of New York - Cameron Barnes & Blythe Duff {ft. Red Hot Chili Pipers} {slightly tired of the Pogues version - although amazing i itself - this one is so sweet & touching...}

* Step Into Christmas - Elton John {never heard this one before, lovely over  the top, Elton style...}

* If We Make It Through December - Merle Haggard {not really a jolly Christmas song, but it beats Mariah Carey any day...}

* Father Christmas - the Kinks {mad Xmas songs like only he Brits seem to be able to...}

* It Feels Like Christmas - the Muppets {from the Christmas Carol, this is also a big fave...}


in search of peace

 this year has been a lot of things...

it started out quite fun, with getting to know this new city i was living in, with new friends and even dipping a toe in the carnival madness that envelopes Breda each year. it has never really been something i was impressed by, or wanted to revisit, after some traumatising memories from when i was younger {an introverted, quiet, sensitive, shy kid...} but even that seemed to have lifted, during my move to this lovely place. 

then the world went mad...

slowly but surely i have dropped most of my social media happy places. first Twitter went. not that much of a wrench, cos i only really followed a few people, who turned out to be happily jumping on the fear bandwagon, and that got tiring very quickly. then Facebook went. that was harder, cos i was friends with quite a few people who i don't see much, who live in far away countries, or who are not in my direct social circle. unfriending loads of people or unfollowing helped a bit, but as time went on, it was less and less impressed with the chaotic, overbearing, propaganda-minded and censor-happy attitude of the site {which i was aware of before but could avoid, on the whole}. so i stopped, after 11 happy years there. and this week i took Instagram off my phone {though not my laptop}. 

too many hours i will sit down and mindlessly stare at the pretty pictures. scrolling past images of things that people have made, or places they live, or been to, reinforcing What A Strange Year It Has Been And When Will We Go Back To Normal...?! i know!! i would've been boring you guys to tears with pictures of Berlin, or Barcelona, or Edinburgh, if it wasn't for the way we're being forced to live now... thanks for the reminder... my kids could've lived a happy year, going to festivals, moving abroad, traveling to places that broaden their horizon...  i could've done my job without having to wear a demeaning, pointless piece of paper as a muzzle, to appease those who chose to believe in the fear-mongering. 

my world is becoming very small, again. i don't want to know the news, i don't want to see the propaganda, i don't want the fear reinforced. so i have to make my world very small. tiny teeny. where i live, those around me, my colleagues, my kids, my friends, my penfriends, some online friends {who i indeed got to know via Instagram...} - i am here. 

my phone will just be for daily stuff, like messages, and my laptop will function as my window into the world for a while. on my terms. the winter solstice started a new year in pagan terms - maybe i should follow suit.

{edit: re-installed Instagram on my phone, but under the proviso that i stay clear from pages that drag me away from my Happy... let's see how that goes...}

Xmas things {4} midwinter

 when i was growing up, midwinter only meant one thing - my mum's birthday. it meant apple pie, and coffee, and visitors. it meant almost Xmas, and a stressed out mother, who never relished her birthdays. she had tonnes of friends and they all insisted on coming over for coffee, and relations would also put in an appearance. it was fun on the one hand {it broke the calm of the house in a nice way}, but somehow it never filled me with much joy, seeing my mum so tense...

until i moved to England and got to know some of the pagan traditions that were connected with Yule, with the Winter Solstice, with Xmas that was celebrated with booze and songs and jolliness. not the austere, quiet, holy event it was in the past of NL where i grew up - catholic and reverent. jolliness was not acceptable. guess which one i preferred....

it wasn't until much later that i started seriously reading about it; about all the other feasts and celebrations that have been christianised, bent into the christian calendar to make it more palatable for the many pagans living in Europe, with the Celtic department on the British Isles largely ignoring them. which they continue to do until this day.

so, the winter solstice celebrates the returning of the light. it celebrates the passing of the shortest day, the day with the least amount of light. the birth of another year. >here< is more detailed information about it, and the traditions connected to it. 

off to my mum's in a bit, for cake and coffee... 

Xmas things {3} films

i love films. and i really like watching films at xmas...

not all films, and preferably not on one of the commercial stations, as advert breaks are a complete turn off, but there's a few films i'll happily watch - even on the wretched commercials - year in year out...  

my list:

* While Your Were Sleeping  {1995} - of course, totally predictable, but Sandra Bullock plays a fairly relatable loser with no love life who falls for a pretty boy, one she only really knows from the booth at the train station where she sells tokens to get onto the train. and then he falls onto the track, goes into a coma {... go with it...} and she rescues him... cue his family who thinks she's his fiance, and madness and mayhem ensue.  set around the holidays, so totally fitting in mood, and cuteness... 

* Muppet Christmas Carol {1992} - this will always leave me with a few tears, and a happy heart... been a family favourite since we discovered it, many moons ago. yet another version of the Dickens tale, but done it a very charming, sweet and uplifting way.

* Scrooged {1988} - another version again of A Christmas Carol, but done with Bill Murray as a bastard exec of a tv station that has his staff on a short leash. not always in the mood for it, but when i catch it, i tend to sit through it. very dated, though...

* The Nightmare Before Christmas {1993} - stop-motion x Tim Burton x Xmas = brilliant!! love this film, despite missing it often... beautifully awful spirited, but still amazingly sweet... 

* You've Got Mail {1998} - actually, i'll watch this film any time of the year, but at Xmas it's even more cute... one of my all time favourites, xmas or no xmas.

* The Chronicles Of Narnia ~ The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe {2005} - beautifully made adaptation of one of the books in the Narnia series, by C.S. Lewis. 

well, that's the ones i can think of. what are your faves?

Xmas things {2} folding ornaments

sometimes i get the urge to add something small to a xmas card. the card itself is already a joy to receive, i feel {I adore post...}, but a small trinket added can add that little bit extra. and origami is another one of my passions. well, strong word - i get a huge amount of joy from folding something fun out of a piece of paper. there, i said it...

having had my kids go to a Waldorf Steiner school has been an eye opener in many more ways than i ever envisaged. there i {finally} learnt what anthroposophy was all about - the good, the bad and the downright ugly... leaving the latter 2 aside, the good was almost life saving, in as much as it getting me back in touch with nature, and my own spirit. it 'cut the crap', so to speak, and stopped me being too involved in {what i call} the Real World. cos, what is Real anyway?!! {another post about that one soon, i feel...} the kids had a subtle launch into it, being allowed to mature at a gentle pace, requiring a strong base from having learnt a truckload of valuable lessons. some of those lessons involved origami. 

one of the pillars of Waldorf learning is Using Your Hands. another Feeding Your Soul, not just Filling Your Head {which i felt is the only pillar primary & secondary schools are known for}. the Using Your Hands bit was a way of Feeding Your Soul, and in the process you Fill Your Head. something like this. not always as simple as that, but that what {i think} it boils down to. and origami is the ultimate Using Your Hands... many creations have been made by the kids, over the years, which would always leave me impressed, some left me baffled - how?! and some made my hands go itchy. so i learnt them, over time.

a few: 

the star lantern

the star lantern can be folded the difficult way
or it can be folded the easy way... 
i learnt the first, and now that i know the easier way, it seems so mad 
to even try using the other method. 
but there's probably some thinking behind it 
{lots of measuring, being precise and intricate, looking at your paper 
and it's dimensions differently, developing patience, 
that kind of thing...} I fold them every year, 
and i love the outcome, every time... 


German/Danish/Moldovan stars

i tried many times to get to the final stages of the proper star 
without ripping the paper, or screaming at something, 
but alas, it seems beyond my capacities... 
i get as far as the star shape itself, 
but as soon as the curly bits have to be done, 
something snaps. i can't get there.... 
so, i decided that the flat ones are fine as well... 


folded stars

i love doing these, as they're easy, although quite finickity 
if your paper is small 
or easily breakable, but on the whole, 
they're fun little bits to make in less than half an hour... 
once you get the hang of it again... 
great tutorial here

so, some fun ways to get through boring days, or just to give yourself another few tricks up your sleeve!! and just think of how your Soul Will Be Fed... 💜

Xmas things {1} cake

really, this should've been started at the beginning of this month, and really, this cake should've been made in October, or thereabouts, cos ideally it should be sitting in a cupboard, wrapped up and fed brandy {lucky bugger...} every two weeks, maturing quietly, but made a few days before the actual 25th of December, it should still taste amazing. cos fruitcakes are brilliant in winter with a mug of tea or coffee, so get started asap!!! 

i've used this recipe for many years, having ripped it out of a BBC Good Food magazine in about 1998, and it ALWAYS makes a beautiful, delicious cake... {my mouth is watering as I read it through...} it is not vegan, or glutenfree, or sugarfree, but the internet is filled with alternatives, if that's what you're looking for.

Christmas cake
{BBC Good Food} 

350g currants
225g raisins
225g sultanas {optional}
75g candied peel
100g glacé cherries
1 lemon
50g almonds
6 tsp brandy {optional}
350g flour
1 tsp biscuit spices
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
250g butter
250g dark muscovado sugar
4 eggs, beaten

* grease a 20cm diameter tin and fold two layers of baking paper in it.

* preheat the oven to 150 ℃

* mix the raisins, currants and sultanas, then add the candied peel and cherries. Grate the lemon zest very finely {without the white pieces}. Squeeze the juice.

* pour boiling water over the almonds, let it stand for 5 minutes, then remove the skins {unless you already have white almonds}. Chop them very finely and stir into the fruits, along with the lemon juice, the grated zest and two tsp brandy.

* sift the flour and spices together in another bowl. Beat the butter and eggs together until fluffy. Always add a bit of flour at a time so that it does not curdle.

* add the fruit mix, then the rest of the flour. Spoon everything into the baking tin and smooth it out with a spoon.

* bake this now for 3½ to 4 hours, until completely cooked and firm {check with a knitting needle - it should come out dry}. If the top gets too dark before the cake is done, put some foil over it.

* let cool in the pan, then take it out and remove the paper. Prick holes in it with a thin skewer and carefully pour over the brandy with a spoon. Put the cake in a double layer of parchment paper and then a layer of aluminum foil. It can be stored for up to 12 months in a cold, dry place.

* decorate the cake according to your preference


on days that i manage to get a meditation in, Things go better... 

i know this, it's something i've figured out a long time ago, the feeling once i've done it is beautiful, i feel calmer and less chaotic in my head, but still, those days are rare. i just forget to do it... true, sometimes i can have a run at it, do three days, experience the calm, the stuff that needs to be dealt with {my meditations are often therapy sessions, where i work things out, stuff that has nestled deeply into my Being, sadnesses and anger, i go through them, accept and let go, and feel lighter for it} and go about my day a bit less bothered by the things that can easily drag me down. 

yesterday i spent a nice afternoon at the house of my ex, as he had some work done to the bathroom and kitchen {had both ripped out basically, and was left with no utilities, apart from the toilet}, and since he and the boys had been using my shower a few times, and my washing machine, he invited me over to goggle at his brand spanking new appliances - which to be honest looked amazing - and have coffee {and cake, as it turned out... my kind of gathering...}. my mum, who's shower had also been 'borrowed', was there as well, and we all had a fun time, catching up, pondering on how odd life is at the moment, and just when i thought that this was all going so nicely - at my ex's place, chatting about how apparently my dad was a champion ballroom dancer in his late teens {?! how did i not know this?!!}, the kids seemed in a good place - and then it happened. the thing that always happens when my mum is with my kids, or my ex, or my brother. i get triggered... within seconds i divert back to the 13 y/o me, the one that feels sidelined, not-appreciated, misunderstood... ridiculed, thought of as weird, etc. etc. 

how many years of therapy have i had?! 

not enough, as it turned out. 

a few weeks back, i had a chat about something similar with my friend M, who is on a similar path of Letting It Go, and it dawned on me that yes, in an ideal world i would have put this annoying trigger to rest ages ago, and yes, it is reflecting back a part of myself that i find incredibly difficult to accept, and also yes - i don't have to feel bad about it!! it's not my fault... 

one of the many things i learnt from my time with ex is that although families can be a massive support, they can also be a reminder - week in week out - of why you feel so thoroughly fucked up... not their fault either - we all are results of our own parenting, our own parent's triggers etc. and you don't have to have them in your life... you're not obliged to be the doting offspring, massaging their ego's, treading carefully to avoid their triggers... you don't. arm's length is fine, if that's what you need to feel at peace. 

so that's what this morning's meditation was about, allowing myself to accept that i can't deal with my mother... and that this is okay. it doesn't make me a selfish, egotistical monster. it just gives my 13 y/o some breathing space. until they're ready to try again...

if ever...


"If people are doubting how far you can go,
go so far that you can't hear them anymore..."

~ Michele Ruiz


new times...

since i gave up Facebook a while ago, finding it a rather depressing place to hang out in, it not being the happy place i once discovered in 2009, i missed having a place to voice my totally unimportant thoughts. Instagram is brilliant, but only really meant for pictures, i feel... so, after a few years of radio silence, Daan waffles again... 

who is Daan? i hear you ask...

well, Daan is a 51 y/o, 23 y/o feeling-inside gender nonconformist 🌈person, mother to 4 amazing young adults who are finding their place in the world {in much the same way as their old mum...}, i live in a lovely small old city called Breda in the south of NL with my youngest, and 2 silly cats, i enjoy a lot of things that include writing, reading, photography, arts, crafts, crafting, getting to know new {to me} cities and landscapes, or new parts of familiar ones, music, intuitive development, coffee & chocolate... you'll probably see these in various combinations on this blog, either in my back catalogue or in the future. 

other things that interest me are lgbtq+ related matters, England {lived there for almost a decade, during the nineties}, Doing Your Own Thing, arthouse films, vintage things, Not Living In The Real World, working out who the f&^% i am, anthroposophy... 

so there... 

in these mad times, i might as well get this thing going again. plenty happening in my mind, and plenty of stuff i'd happily blab on about, like many years ago when i first started a blog, thinking of how weird it was to even have on of these things... who'd read it?! 


deacon blue - somewhere in my heart
{rediscovered them recently}

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
{over halfway now!!!}

Richard Osman's House of Games
{bbc2, every day at 7}

folded lanterns, Waldorf style

about being in Berlin again...
one day!!

working out the last chapter of a story i'm writing
{fanfic, so not sharing here}