Xmas things {6} cards

first and foremost - a happy xmas, however you're spending it {not a religious person myself, more into the pagan Yule way of celebrating. waiting with the booze until the kids are here and there's a meal on it's way... i only ever drink at xmas, by the way...}!! 

{just had to pluck some mince pie dough off my keyboard... had to find the recipe online and some crumbs must have fallen put of the mixing bowl while i was kneading it...}

while listening to the Cosy Christmas Jazz playlist on Spotify, i snapped some of the cards i received this year, since cards are one of the few things i always get very excited about, this time of the year. all year long, to be honest, but at Xmas they feature very large here. and i receive some smashers... tnx for those who sent them, and all others, of course!! hope mine have arrived...

from my friend Sarah, in England

beautiful card from Moira

sweet card from Erin,
with the first line of the story we read to the kids

sweet card from Monika
a see-through one
and the sun shines through it here

a few together, 
before Molly knocked them over... 

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