new times...

since i gave up Facebook a while ago, finding it a rather depressing place to hang out in, it not being the happy place i once discovered in 2009, i missed having a place to voice my totally unimportant thoughts. Instagram is brilliant, but only really meant for pictures, i feel... so, after a few years of radio silence, Daan waffles again... 

who is Daan? i hear you ask...

well, Daan is a 51 y/o, 23 y/o feeling-inside gender nonconformist 🌈person, mother to 4 amazing young adults who are finding their place in the world {in much the same way as their old mum...}, i live in a lovely small old city called Breda in the south of NL with my youngest, and 2 silly cats, i enjoy a lot of things that include writing, reading, photography, arts, crafts, crafting, getting to know new {to me} cities and landscapes, or new parts of familiar ones, music, intuitive development, coffee & chocolate... you'll probably see these in various combinations on this blog, either in my back catalogue or in the future. 

other things that interest me are lgbtq+ related matters, England {lived there for almost a decade, during the nineties}, Doing Your Own Thing, arthouse films, vintage things, Not Living In The Real World, working out who the f&^% i am, anthroposophy... 

so there... 

in these mad times, i might as well get this thing going again. plenty happening in my mind, and plenty of stuff i'd happily blab on about, like many years ago when i first started a blog, thinking of how weird it was to even have on of these things... who'd read it?! 


deacon blue - somewhere in my heart
{rediscovered them recently}

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
{over halfway now!!!}

Richard Osman's House of Games
{bbc2, every day at 7}

folded lanterns, Waldorf style

about being in Berlin again...
one day!!

working out the last chapter of a story i'm writing
{fanfic, so not sharing here}


Sandra said...

Hoi Daan, leuk dat jij je blog weer hebt afgestoft. En als je je afvraagt wie er tegenwoordig nog blogs leest; nou ik!

Martine said...

Het blog lezen zit al jaren niet meer zo in mijn systeem, maar ik heb je blog bij mijn favorieten gezet en ga hier zeker regelmatig even lezen! Geweldig dat je ook een verhaal aan het schrijven bent. Succes!