
one thing my friend Mo has a huge advantage on, is the time she puts into figuring out stuff and applying the things she finds along the way into her reality. {well, i probably have that time as well, i just chose to spend it differently...} and one of the things she has figured out ages ago, is something that has taken up until last week for me to click. finally. 

"One of the most important principles we teach in this work is how to create from the field instead of from matter. Think of the quantum field as an invisible field of frequency/energy that connects everything physical and material. It is this field of pure energy, which exists beyond our senses, that gives form to this 3D reality."

for years she's been trying to 'convince' me that the reality we live in isn't real. it's an illusion. it is whatever we believe it is... now, part of me understands this - i feel that i live in a different reality than my next door neighbour, who's a Jesus-obsessed, fearful woman, or my colleague T, who feels the work we do in the shop is pointless, since other supermarkets sell stuff much cheaper, and is now moving one to pastures new.

"We all possess a physical body in a physical universe that is made up of people, objects, and things. Because all of these things appear to occupy a particular space at a particular time, our senses fool us into the illusion of separation."

i can see that the notion that we all believe what we need to believe to live our lives the way we think we should in order to be happy - through centuries of conditioning - is true. i've seen it happen in front of me, that someone stops believing something and their lives literally change... it happens to me on a daily basis, that i catch myself thinking something, and it makes me feel bad, and then i let that thought go, and i feel okay and at peace again... did something in my Outer World change? no... my thoughts changed, where i focussed my energies.

"Since where we place our attention is where we place our energy, then in order for us to create from the field instead of from matter, we have to abandon—and thus remove—all of our attention from everything known that we associate with, in this physical world of matter, in space and time."

we all want to be happy. above all else. we want to have an easy life. we all have different ways to achieve this happiness. for some it's having a nice house, for others it's having tonnes of friends and fun experiences, for others still it's knowing that there's a holiday in the planning, or even that there is noting coming up in the break they have from work. or that their pensions are safe. or that their kids are okay. or that science has their backs. all of these things are outside of our control... 

"If you're no longer paying attention to anything in this 3D reality, it makes sense then that it no longer exists for you. This is exactly what is required to pass through the door to enter the quantum field—and that requires us to become no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time."

the quote in between my text is from Dr. Joe Dispenza, a teacher/helper/researcher of the new spiritual development world, who tends to base his shared knowledge on scientific research, and it illustrates perfectly what my friend Mo has been trying to get across to me for years. we are nothing but Energy. you are, i am, my cats are, my kids are, my car is, my house is, money is, the trees in the woods where i feel happy are... 

this requires some serious letting go of notions. as Dispenza describes, it takes letting go of the attachment to Reality as we're told to believe it to be. an attachment to Reality as we're constantly reinforced to Believe Is Real, and anyone who thinks about this differently is {at the very least} a bit weird... and because we don't want to be excluded from Society, we need to shun anybody who thinks like that. we need to shun, ridicule, ostracize, distance ourselves from anyone who questions the way we see Reality. 

or not...

one of the fun things about Law of Attraction is that as soon as you let go of one way of believing, you will attract other people into your life - people who also have no truck with 'Reality' as we're forced to believe it to be... as one set of people falls away {cos they don't fit your life anymore, or you theirs} another set appears... and for a while it can feel quite nice to travel alone, not get distracted by the voices of those who doubt you, who doubt otherness. there's enough turmoil going on inside without the added distraction of outsiders doubt... {and the outside world is just a projection of your inner self, but that's another post all together...}

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