only the lonely

yesterday i had a long, lovely afternoon with my oldest friend Mo. we go back as long as i live {she's 2 months my senior} as our mothers were friends {even though there's about 20 years difference between them} and we kind of had no choice but to grow up together. this happened until we hit teenage - she hit teenage very hard, i kind of slinked into the background for a good few years - and we found each other again when i lived in England and she'd became a mum and 'settled down' in the village. we weren't close though. we were on different plains in life, and not until i came back to NL did we find common ground in the path to spiritual and intuitive development we had both started walking.

we couldn't be more different. she's colourful, extravert, loud, spontaneous, easy-going, inviting, warm, comes from a big family, is the youngest of 5... i'm reserved, careful, quiet, introvert, a closed book until i feel i can trust you, my family is small, and i'm the oldest of 2... her approach to the spiritual & intuitive is different to mine, but still, we complement each other quite well. she's the Yin to my Yang {or the other way around...}

the other day i mentioned that i'm delving deeper into the things i once learnt about Celtic paganism and Witchcraft. something that has been in my life at least since i moved to England, but also before that, there were always people who knew about herbs, and Celtic arts and crafts, and Tarot cards, using a pendulum, and that There Was More Between Heaven And Earth {one of my aunts springs to mind, who was probably more knowledgable about witchcraft than i realised back then} and it always spoke to me on a level i couldn't explain. but because i didn't have the Gift {a 'natural' ability to See things, to Know things that i couldn't technically Know} i decided it wasn't for me. Mo has it - she Sees and Knows and Communicates - and she reckons we all do, but have buried it underneath the crap we have learnt since we were born. i just forgot about this side of my intuitive development. but i mentioned to her that i'm reading about it, and figuring out how i can use it more in my life, be more in tune with my nature, and Nature itself. and - she texted me back straightaway - so is she... 

so yesterday, when we finally managed to find a day where we could get together, we talked about this, and the situation in the world, and how far removed we feel - further and further - from the society around us. how difficult it feels to feel a connection between people around us {apart from our kids}, while knowing it doesn't matter. we might feel 'lonely' at times, but we're not alone... if nobody else, we have each other... 


Sandra said...

Jouw vriendin Mo is jouw soulemate. En ze heeft gelijk, iedereen is van oorsprong intuïtief, alleen moet je weer leren om naar je intuïtie te luisteren.

Daan said...

dat klopt, inderdaad, van die soulmate :-) en van die intuïtie ook - dat lukt op sommige dagen beter dan andere...