neighbourhood watching

from their balcony they can see into the gardens of about 8 houses. it's quite a diverse area, here, though mostly the houses are private and well kempt, and it's quiet here too, with the motorway 1 kilometer away and audible, as a constant low hum in the background. their view overall is trees, huge ones, making it almost look like they live in the country...

just now they hung out a load of washing on the over-the-door rack and the standing one, as it's a lovely, sunny day, and glanced at the gardens in their view. the nearest is right underneath, at the back of the building, stretching along the ground floor apartment, and it's huge. the people living there have a boy with autism and he loves using his trampoline, and the waterway toy that's similar to the one their kids once also had... the mum is less-abled and loves to potter around, tinkering with the many potted plants she grows there, which in the summer looked beautiful... 

next up there's a garden which they have so far never seen anybody sit in, although it's very pretty and well maintained. there's a gazebo which had the roof replaced last summer by a very attractive carpenter {yay for that view...} and there's some mature trees that attract birds and butterflies, and shrubs that give lovely colour and flowers. the next garden is much better used - the people there enjoy entertaining, and have done this throughout last summer. this garden is more sparse, mostly filled with garden furniture rather than plants, and it's funny to hear them chat away {an older couple who look like they might be actively involved in the village - my assumption this} about stuff {they can't actually hear what is said, there might be bickering going on about each other or their kids, who knows?!}.

then there's the Young Couple With 2 Kids, who look like they're professional, and they have a lovely ginger retriever that bundles about in the small space they have left after creating an extension. she likes to sit on the functional bench that doubles as a storage area, looking at her phone while the toddler plays and jabbers away at her mum. husband is rarely there, and when he is, he chats on his phone, pacing and gesticulating... their neighbours are about to move, and the people next to them have last week added an Outdoor Entertaining Shed, which looks very new and very flashy. they expect there will be many a bbq held this summer... 

the other gardens are less visible, only the trees that poke out give them a glimpse into the lives lived. right across from the older couple is an extended Moroccan family, with grandparents, a younger couple and a few kids. there's also, on the paved space, about 58 potted plants, with peppers and other vegetables, bearing colourful fruits as the summer wears on. for now they've been stacked into a corner, awaiting warmer temperatures. they're also eagerly awaiting the return of the tropical paddling pool that was there, tempting in the sweltering heat of last year. the little kids playing sounds delightful...

so, on this lovely warm spring day, as they fuss about the right way for the clothes to catch the sun best, and the plants try their best to come back to life, life is pretty nice here...

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