let it go

was thinking more about the post from a few days ago, where i claimed that my life seems to be a road of unease. on the one hand that's how it does feel - always feeling the odd one out, the one who's different, and having figured that being a hsp + introvert puts you in that position often anyway, especially when you've not been given the tools or the confidence to negotiate life. if your parents or guardians couldn't teach it to you, you'll have to search for others who can. that's what creates the road of unease.

in the last 10 years i feel that the tools and the confidence have been found, within myself. i have felt more than once that Things Land On Your Lap when you need them, People Appear In Your Life when you ask for them, Help Is Available if you ask... some people call this Faith, and say they believe in god, or that Jesus helps them, others call it their Angels, the Universe, a Spirit Guide, Allah, Yahweh, whatever - it all boils down to the same thing...

we let go of the ego when we ask for help, or pray. we let go of the loud inner voice, and make space for a quieter voice, which gives us a sign, or makes us look a certain way, or go a certain direction. that's what is the Faith that bible bashers keep going on about - the Faith that there is Help, that Something has your back in ife, that you're not alone {and not mad when you think this...} but have the backing of the whole Universe... 

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