spirits in a material world

yesterday, while having a little catch-up/birthday chat with a friend in England, we got talking very briefly about - among many other things - the fact that she's missing her mother {who passed away about 2 and a half years ago} a lot. we then also got chatting about the notion that another {dutch} friend had sold her house last week, for way more than the asking price, in a matter of days. 

both of those things got me to mention spirit guides. my friend who sold the house asked her spirit guides {a few specific ones} to help her with this, and i mentioned this to my friend in England. also that i talk to my dad sometimes, ask him for help in specific situations, and that this appears to 'work' - things shift, situations occur, coincidences happen. my friend in England was bemused by this. she's very sensible and rational, and can't be doing with this kind of stuff. she has a friend that i know as well who's also into spiritual and intuitive living, and i know how mad she thinks this friend is sometimes for even suggesting that there's Help available from the spirit realm, or that her long term illness could be to do with stored childhood trauma, or whatever. so my notion that i trust spirit guides, or my angels, or whatever i call them, i tend to keep for myself.

maybe it is just a comforting thought, that my dad is available as an angel, or a guide, and nothing more than that. maybe it is just a coincidence that situations change in my favour whenever i've asked him for help... my rational side does question this too. my rational side is highly dubious of my sensitive, dreamy, trusting side... but if it makes me feel happy, and calm, and relaxed, surely that's a good thing?

my friend in England won't be talking to her mum, i'm fairly sure. she'll probably file me under 'Going Slightly Bonkers' and we'll carry on our occasional, fun chats about Life and Cakes and our kids. i wonder what they make of us, the spirits who watch over us humans...?

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