sharing sunday #2

since it's my birthday today, and the age i'll be becomes a nice no. 7, i'll be sharing 7 things

1. there was a time when i went to the cinema almost every week. thanks to The Situation i haven't been for over a year {it just never got back into my system...} but i do love watching them. i have a few favourites {one for every mood i might be in...}, and choosing has never been my strongest point, so, a few that will always make me happy: Pride {"Dai, your gays have arrived!!"}, Maurice {"Now we shall never be parted... That's finished..."}, Into the Wild {"The core of man's spirit comes from new experiences."}

2. reading is something i either enjoy, or i don't... i can't be doing with books that annoy me, or i don't get a good vibe from. so a lot of the so called classics or top 10 best sellers don't get a look in... silly romance, on the other hand.... Maurice, by E.M. Forster {written in 1914, published in 1971, on which the film was based} is a favourite since 1989, when i first discovered it, and loved everything about it - the love invoked, the language used, the heartache felt. will reread this every now and then. far from silly romance, but romantic it certainly is, in its own way
    the original book version of Into The Wild, by Jon Krakauer, is also a recommendation. it goes deeper into why Chris McCandless possibly did what he did, the history of young adolescent guys choosing to seek this kind of adventure, and other matters related to the discovery of McCandless lifeless body, back in 1992.
    no. 3 is the book that i found was the inspiration for the BBC series of a few years ago, called Living In Squares, Loving In Triangles, by Amy License, from 2016. not so much a novel, as it is a collection of facts and thoughts about the Bloomsbury Group's main members {if that's the right word}, namely Vanessa Bell, Virginia Woolf, Duncan Grant, Clive Bell, Leonard Woolf, Lytton Strachey, John Maynard Keynes and others, people who have captured my imagination for many years... 

3. with Polly in the car on the way back from our holiday in Gelderland we discussed whether or not one can call oneself a fan of someone if we only like one of their albums... or a few of the trillions they made... or only three songs... we concluded that it doesn't matter, and so here are a few songs that i recently discovered or loved for years...
    # What is love - George Harrison {only recently did i figure that this song of pure joy is by George!?? what the hell... somehow i thought it was by someone else, and 'just liked' it...} # Queen Bitch - David Bowie {love this Velvet Underground tribute song from Hunky Dory so much, and have to sing it along in the camp voice that Dave used - bliss!!} # Crayfish Hora - Fanfare Ciocarlia {thank you Shazam...} # Somewhere In My Heart - Aztec Camera {Roddy Frame was one of the guys i adored in 1987, at the same time as wanting to BE him... he was so beautiful...} # Istanbul {not Constantinople} - They Might Be Giants {had a cd of theirs but can only remember this song and the Birdhouse one}, but this is one of my faves}

4. some restaurants that i enjoy going to here in Breda: 
- De Jongens Van Zand En Klei {not just guys there...}
- Inspire Coffee Company {yummy toasties and other goodies...}
- In Kannen En Kruiken {gorgeous garden and other things...}
- Sunshine {as if you're somewhere far away...}

5. dreams:
to find a lovely roomy chalet in some woodland settings to live in, a campervan to travel with, a soulbuddy to share my life with, truckloads of money, more than enough time to write and read and dream and create and chat with friends and go for long walks and... 

6. having discovered that the phenomenon that kept happening to me {All The Things I Wished For, Happened In My Life Somehow} had a name, and was called Law Of Attraction, i spent years trying to get the magic back... it had disappeared after i got together with ultra-realistic ex, and while other things developed {self-confidence, liberation from my home life belief system, children}, that somehow stopped working in the relaxed way it once did. thanks to the books and teachings of people like Esther Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and Sonia Choquette {and my friend Mo}, i'm now kind back to where i was in 1991... check some of these folks out for yourself

7. life motto:

the sky is not the limit. 
your belief system is

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