100 words, 100 days {#17, 18 & 19}

{this will probably count as cheating, if i was going to read the rules, but I’m in this world to make up my own rules – in these kinds of things – so it’s okay… cos I say so…}

It’s a full moon tonight, which always makes me feel kind of funny, like the Witch inside of me wants to break out and fly around on her broom, cast spells on the people I have an issue with {so it’s probably good that I haven’t mastered that one as yet…} and stuff like that…

I’ve always had a Thing for the Moon… I love the Moon, its power and its differing shapes, its part in stories and fairy tales. It still looms large in my life, as each time there is a full moon, I tend to have rubbish sleeps, if I sleep at all…

Of course, the Moon has many connections to older beliefs, Paganism for instance, to rituals and the way we live, still, and there are days that I remember what it is, that I ought to be doing something with my gemstones for instance {put them in the light of the moon, or not…}, but most of the time I just forget, I sit and watch that huge round orb-thing in the sky and wonder about the world, and myself and if I will ever get to grips with my intuitive side or whatever…

As I will tonight, when sleep won’t come and something to do with its pull will keep me awake, and I will be a basket case tomorrow… {luckily most customers in the wholefood shop where I work are familiar with the funny things the moon can do… maybe one of them can explain to me what it is I ought to be doing…}

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