30 days writing {12} never imitate

Imitation is Suicide. Insist on yourself; never imitate. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write down in which areas of your life you have to overcome these suicidal tendencies of imitation, and how you can transform them into a newborn you – one that doesn’t hide its uniqueness, but thrives on it. There is a “divine idea which each of us represents” – which is yours?
isn't everyone unique in their own ways? and aren't the things that i think are unique about me dormant in everyone? sure, i've had my own upbringing, that no one else has had {not even my brother} and a bunch of things have happened to me that haven't happened to anyone else, but really, does that make me different? i guess it does, and everyone else is as different as i am... 

people begin their lives as imitators, we are programmed that way... as babies we imitate our mothers, and our fathers, our siblings, family members, people at school - it's incredibly natural, otherwise we don't develop as the Social Beings that we are, to thrive and grow... but at some point on our road to adulthood we need to find out how we can carry on without the need to imitate... only: nobody told us what that point was.... nobody says: right, that's enough now; you need to figure out what it is that you want, or what you are... petrified of 'losing' us, we were told to carry on imitating, to carry on doing what everyone else is doing, only now it's called Being Conventional. Being Normal... anything that's not is seen as a threat... and we don't want to be a threat, to the cohesion of Society, so be buckle up and Behave Normal... 

some area's in which i'm at odds with peers/family/society:
* being quiet and contemplative {which was deemed very weird and suspicious}
* not going out every weekend - {in my teens. my friends did, but left me along after a while, cos i absolutely HATED it...}
* read difficult books {about stuff that nobody i knew had any interest in}
* listen to weird music 
* feeling a need to figure out {sexual} orientations {and still wondering about it...}
* not marry the boy next door {or even the next village. i went a bit further afield...}
* have more than two children
* live in another country {and try to understand the difference in culture}
* listening to my inner voice 
* not feeling i belonged in the country i was born in {at all...}

now all i need is to thrive... 
on my way...

1 comment:

Kati said...

I understand completely!