100 words, 100 days {#20, 21 & 22}

{one way to get through this challenge!! J }

yesterday my friend Mo and Pops and myself went to Antwerp. this is my to-go-to-place, just over the border into Belgium, to get away from Too Much Dutch… Antwerp is cosmopolitan, arty, crazy, very old-fashioned, dirty, unpredictable, colourful, shallow – a bit like myself, really {*on the floor laughing…*} and every so many months I need a bit of it, to get Holland and it’s dull predictability out of my system… clarity and efficiency is fine, but not for too long… not for me, anyway…

so off we went, in Mo’s car, and got stuck in a traffic jam, just before we turned off for the city, which we reached after what felt like forever, but there was plenty to talk about since the last time we nattered, so it never felt like forever…

once there we walked, and talked and saw and smiled and questioned and giggled, and flirted and dressed up, and wondered and laughed loudly, and ate and drank and wondered some more… we enjoyed the arts that we saw in the street, in shop windows, in tiny galleries, in unusual spaces, and talked to total strangers, were amazed by the beauty we saw in unexpected corners, the expressions of somebody’s thoughts, somebody’s creativity, chiselled out of stone, carved out of wood, made from plaster or plastic… we discussed our notions, informed what we knew, and ate the most wonderful cheesecake while drying out from the deluge we managed to {narrowly} escape from, hiding underneath the awning of a small restaurant.

Back home we were tired and ate omelette, and watched tv, looked at the photo’s we’d made to remember a lovely day out in a blustery city near the Schelde… I am so grateful for days like these…

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