30 days writing {9} hindsight & future

There will be an agreement in whatever variety of actions, so they be each honest and natural in their hour. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What would you say to the person you were five years ago? 
What will you say to the person you’ll be in five years?

dear me in 2010,
life at this time in your life is rather okay... fairly 'normal' and busy, with teenage kids, and a job and a pleasant love-life... if only you knew how enjoyable that really was. i know - hindsight is the best advisor, of course, and when you're busy living your life, you don't know what's coming... calm before the storm, as they say... enjoy it while it lasts!! :-)

dear me in 2020,
you probably look back on these days as exuberant times, when things were up in the air, unsure of what would be next. maybe things have settled down nicely, hopefully i have become more accepting of and loving towards myself, do i live my life in pleasant surroundings, can i snuggle up on the {battle scarred} sofa next to a sweet, kind, loving man, or have i started a new job, doing something that awakens my spirit, helps others in some way... who knows... 

read Kati's challenges here


Kati said...

I always find this a tough one. A shame I don't have those anymore to read back what I said the last time. ;)

Daan said...

yeah, i just reread mine from 4 years ago... pretty poignant... :-)