30 days writing {6} travel

if we truly live, we shall truly see - R.W. Emerson

not everyone has a desire to travel the world, but everyone can think of a place they'd one day like to visit before they die. what is this place for you and what do you do to make this possible?

there are quite a few place on this earth that i would love to be able to go to, for one reason or another. for a long time it was England, and it's many different area's that had a strange pull on me {or rather: The British Isles, as would be better, cos it includes Wales and Scotland}. also Scandinavia still has a kind of pull, although that hasn't been very strong lately. and for some strange reason Germany calls me... but the strongest one in the last year or so has been North West America. No idea why {apart from the Pearl Jam/Nirvana/it seems like a wonderful place to be for a while connections that Seattle has} but whenever i see pictures of the beautiful parks and mountains in Washington State, or Canada, or Alaska, something inside of me starts yelling... maybe it's the vastness of the north American landscape, the ability it has to make you feel puny and insignificant... maybe i need that in my life, i don't know...

maybe i also want to know what it is that Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobain and Neil Young {who's Canadian} and Joni Mitchell {also from Canada} and Crosby Stills and Nash and all those others that i admire, have in their core, the thing that makes them the way they are, cos they have lived in that country, the place that i think i understand, but have not really felt {in the three days that i was in Wisconsin i didn't experience that much, mainly airports and a tiny shopping mall, and i don't think that Madison counts...}.

having lived in England made me sort of get the British bands that i love to listen to - i get what Arctic Monkeys are singing about, i think, to a certain level, and i see where the Beatles and The Stones, The Jam and The Clash and The Smiths got their inspiration from, i get what makes British Arts the way it is... the diversity, the status-clashes, the class-divisions, the history... it makes sense... and i guess i'd like to now what Being In America does to a person...

having Not Lived In Holland for some years has made it hard for me to live here, i guess... but since i had the pull to leave since way before i ever set foot in England, maybe it's an innate escape mechanism at work...  who knows...

what do i do to make it possible? dream about it... cos you have to start somewhere, and all else will fall into place...


cumbria, UK

Glenfinnan, Scotland

een meer in Washington State, USA

New England, USA

1 comment:

Kati said...

True, it all starts with dreaming about it! Hold fast to your dreams! (Glenfinnan is so gorgeous! love!)