30 day writings {1} writers

another challenge piled on top of the other one: Kati and I will re-do a version of the Emerson Writing challenge, which we did about 4 years ago. see what's changed. see what's exactly the same. interesting, i hope. we hope...

so here goes:

Which book has inspired you the most and why? Why did you think one day: that's what I want to do, to write. Do you have a book of which you think: I wish I could do that too, inspire people, that man or woman has brought me so much joy reading. 
I would so much want to be able to do that as well; publish a book. 
How do you think you can accomplish that?

hm... interesting one to start with straight away. there isn't one book, not even one writer that got me to write, but i guess there was a time in my life when it dawned on me that i don't need to be the next Big Name, or have studied Literature, or have a degree in anything to allow myself to Write... i have a degree in Being Me, and if the urge to write takes me then i'll write. for far too long i've allowed myself to be swayed or convinced that the standard some men have set {and still seem to do} is what any writer should aspire to be. 

when the kids were small, and i had time to read again, i discovered some female writers in the English Language section of my local library. not the chick-lit, but women who've lived. my dear friend in England had given me a copy of a book she thought i might like and i was hooked. Margaret Forster turned out to write in a very inspiring way, and engaging, and i carried on finding another 5 of her novels, which all gripped me. then i discovered another few women who seemed to be more like the woman i was - unglamorous, curious, slightly mocking of Normal Life, in need of love and Adventure... 

those women, their styles of writing, their funny, 'easy' way with words, planted a seed in me, and i tried my hand at writing my own things. and i discovered that i love it!! :-) whether it's good enough for publishing is a different matter all together... we shall see about that!!

a writing room i'd not turn my nose up to
read along with Kati's challenge as well


Kati said...

I love that: A degree in Being Me! That is beautiful, Daan! <3

Daan said...

yay!! a comment!!
thanx btw... :-)