30 day writings {4} i believe

“It is easy to live within the world after it's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The world is driven by passionate spirits, powerful ideas, and fearless actions. 
What is a strong belief that you possess what is not shared by friends and family? 
What inspires your faith, and what have you done to actively respond to it?

there are quite a few, i feel, cos there are times that i feel i've been dropped into the 'wrong' family {and i know that in The Universe there is no right or wrong to start with, only Lessons...}. the biggest one for me was the one that got the most resistance back in the days, and that is: Love Is Everywhere... 

love was seen as a luxury commodity, something that only the lucky few were going to have, and anyway: what's love got to do with it? who needs a heart when a heart can be broken... {yes, i know Tina Turner wrote that, but it might as well have been my mum for all i knew... as could Mr G, for that matter...}

i remember writing it on my pen bag {as one was wont to do in those days, i'm talking 1986 now...}, that I Love Everybody!! and my mother saw it and went white around the gills... You better watch out, was her reaction... people might take that the wrong way {and abuse your good nature, which she didn't actually say, but i'm sure she meant}... which i suppose got me an insight in what she must've gone through during her childhood. if love is to be mistrusted, or in this case: misinterpreted for Power, then yes, by all means, don't share it around like you would sweeties... but i wasn't raised like she was... i was raised by loving, though very anxious and often scared, people who wanted the best for me, who hoped for a great life for me and my brother, who wished that my life was void of drama and i'd get chances that they never had... and i did, and for that I will always be grateful...

another one: i don't have to be stuck in a life i don't enjoy... i have the power to change things... {we all do, of course...}. this was actually something i noticed in my late teens, when things that i 'asked' for kept happening... my life seemed easy, somehow, but a kind of mistrust took over and i stopped believing in my 'magical powers', and now i'm having to devour books and vids to get my mojo back... very annoying, and it would be great if i could just feel the same kind of 'trust' in the Universe as i did back in 1989... maybe i can... maybe i'm just overcomplicating stuff... 

so there we go... Love is everywhere, and i don't have to be stuck... wake up and smell the roses, woman... 

also read along with Kati


Kati said...

As a woman who has just been hugged by a total stranger (she got my old couch for free and hugged me for it) I think you're right by 'love is all around' . :) You go girl!

Daan said...

well, there you go... ♥ proof in the pudding... :-)