a fish needs a bicycle...

skipping today's... it's becoming repetitive and i feel i've moved on from a lot of the non-self-reliance i've found myself being stuck in for most of my life... of course there's always room for improvement, but one can have enough of a good thing...

instead i want to wrestle with the {very valid & interesting} question Kati put to me in one of her comments: why is there always a man in my Dreams Of The Future, why would a strong {hahahaha!!!} woman like me need a man?! my initial answer {"cos i don't want to end up alone..."} is true, cos it is one of the nightmares i have of the Future: to end up alone with three cats and a dog and no one to speak to for days on end, apart from the cats and dog... part of me likes to be alone, but not to be lonely...
but then: isn't Lonely also a state of mind? and how likely is it that i end up alone with 4 kids and my friends...? for now...

do i really need a man in my life? no... of course not... i can hang my own shelves, and install the tv & dvd player, and get the stereo connected and all those things that i'm supposed to have a bloke in my life for...  but it would be nice to have company though, to be able to have intelligent conversations, to have a man's rational point of view, to not be swept along by emotions and feelings all the time, like i can find myself doing... it would be nice... i like men, on the whole... not the proud, dull, predictable ones that i live amongst here, but strong, principled ones, that are also in touch with their feelings but still know how to be wise and sensible, and be innately confident about their self-worth, but not too much... who are modest and sweet, funny and artistic, serious and open-minded... a man who doesn't mind me resting my head on his shoulder, snuggle up against him on the sofa while i watch a silly film and he reads a book... who adores and respects me, in much the same way that i do him... {mainly cos i've not had one of those, the kind that likes to have me near him...}

maybe i´m too romantic and not at all realistic {but didn't one of the prompts pose that being too realistic kills all creativity?!} if i make this 'list'... but i don't really care...

i don't need a man in my life - i know my life will still be okay and i have within me all the resources i need to thrive and have a wonderful life, and i'm still getting over my relationship with Mr G, and i'm realistic {yuck!!} enough to know that stability is pretty important in the lives of my kids {and mine} for a while... but the Desire is still there...

chandler's crazy wit

lennon's strong mind, artistic eye, derisive humour

david crosby's crazy good looks
{and artistic talent...}

eddie vedder's everything...

stone gossard's calm disposition
to name but a few...

tomorrow's and saturday's challenges maybe on Sunday's blog... 


Kati said...

I'm glad I got you thinking about it! ;) The reason why I asked is in the comments under the other blog... ;)

Daan said...

i know, and it does probably seem incongruous {to me as well, at times...}. as i said: i don't need, i just would like... when the time is right... :-)